Trade Mark & Service Mark Registration
Trade Mark & Service Mark Registration
Trade Mark can be a word, logo, image, name, shape, notice, blend of hues and so on and goes about as a source marker and alludes to the starting point of products or services. Trade Mark can either be a word check or a gadget stamp. A word check basically signifies words/letters in a non stylised way. Then again gadget stamp contains aesthetic highlights or one of a kind shading blend.
Service Mark:
A trademark relating to services is known as Service Mark.

Trademark Classification:
The Trade Mark Registry, with the end goal of enrollment has arranged goods and services under 45 classes as per the Nice Classification. Class 1 to 34 alludes to goods and class 35 to 45 alludes to services.
Trademark Filing:
An application is to be recorded under the Trademark Act and the Trademark Rules. The accompanying archives are required for the filing of an Application
Application for Registration-Full depiction of the Applicants to be given.
Client detail
The client date ought to mean the month and date of first use in India. On the other hand it can be on "proposed to be utilized" premise.
Need Claim
Priority guarantee in connection to foreign applications is to be filed within 6 months from the date of filing of the trademark in the parent country.
Extra Representations
Refers to the report which contains additional data about the Applicant.
Power of Attorney
To be filed alongside the application appropriately executed by the Applicant for the trademark lawyer.
Trade Mark Registration
Upon Registration a certificate to that effect is issued to the Applicant. A TradeMark / Service Mark is valid for a time of 10 years.
Trade Mark Renewal
Trade Mark can be renewed in every 10 years. Renewal application can be filed 6 months preceding the due date of the next renewal date.